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Press release

Year 2023 - Period: 19 - 23 June

In this communication Ustore presents the appropriate tables to the interaction with the providers of the AWS, Azure, GCP and IBM clouds created to show the synthetic form of integrated and supported resources by the uCloud portal. It can consult information for the solutions offered in the hybrid or multi-cloud environments managed by the uCloud.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services, also known as AWS, is a computing cloud service platform conceded by Amazon.com. The services are offered in several geographical areas distributed throughout the world. Regarding the interaction with the AWS public cloud service provider, the following table details the actions supported by the uCloud platform:

table AWS

Microsoft Azure (Azure)

Microsoft Azure, many times announced as Azure, is a cloud computing platform operated through Microsoft which provides access, management, applications development and services through the data centers distributed in the whole world. About the interaction with the Microsoft AZURE public cloud service provider, the table displayed below describes the supported actions (resources) through the uCloud platform:

table Azure

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing suite that offers a series of solutions through the cloud stored technology and that allows to highlight the speed, the scalability of its infrastructure in the applications. In relation to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) public cloud service provider, our portal gives support to the cloud and makes the resources listed next available:

table google

IBM Cloud

The IBM Cloud is a cloud computing platform that offers scalable services of infrastructure, platform and software. It helps companies to build, implement, manage applications and cloud services, as advanced security and governance resources. In regard to the interaction with the IBM Cloud public cloud service provider, our portal start to support the cloud and make the following resources available:

table ibm

The detailed material on this document reaffirms the constant commitment with Ustore’s products evolution and the alignment to the needs of the market and clients.

This weekly press release is a communication tool for advertising news at Ustore.