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Press release

Year 2023 - Period: 12-16 June

In this communication, Ustore announces weekly releases of new features on the uCloud platform: Billing and OPS.

uCloud Billing


Budget Alerts


Send budget alerts via email, based on the customer’s consumption percentage regarding the estimated budget.

Portal’s new behavior

The feature searches all the non-deleted budgets in all the companies for the current month, exclusive to the budget enabled with the alert. An email is sent for the electronic address previously registered, for each total consumption level allocated for the budget, they are:

  • Normal: Corresponds to 0%-49% of total consumption;

  • Warning: Indicates 50%-89% of total consumption;

  • Danger: Represents 90%-99% of total consumption;

  • Over: Is over 100% of total consumption.

Location on the portal

Administration Menu > Companies > card Budgets > Create Budget

uCloud OPS

VMware Cloud


Inventory’s resources tagging


Map the resources creation for the VMware cloud

Portal’s new behavior

It is possible to tag all the VMware inventory’s resources, they are only taggable on the uCloud portal. The portal displays a warning to the user, informing that the tagging is local, and by importing the container again, the tags are lost.

Location on the portal

Resources Inventory Menu

Hyper-V Cloud


Inventory’s resources tagging


Map the resources creation for the Hyper-V cloud

Portal’s new behavior

It is possible to tag all the Hyper-V inventory’s resources, they are only taggable on the uCloud portal. The portal displays a warning to the user, informing that the tagging is local, and by importing the container again, the tags are lost.

Location on the portal

Resources Inventory Menu

This set of features described in this document reaffirm the constant commitment with Ustore’s products evolution and the alignment to the needs of the market and clients.


The access to these new functionalities is restricted to the contract. Functionalities non-contracted by the client are not available on the environment until the formalization and/or deal to acquire the releases.

This weekly press release is a fundamental communication tool for advertising news and innovations work of the products generated at Ustore.